Astoria-Megler Bridge (1966), also called the Columbia River Astoria Bridge, spans the mouth of the Columbia River between Astoria, Oregon and Point Ellice near Megler, Washington, and remains one of the longest bridges in the United States, measuring 6,613m (21,697ft) in length. The main structure, bridging the shipping channel near the Oregon shore is a steel cantilever through truss consisting of a 376m (1,232ft) span and two 188m (616ft) flanking spans. US Navy aircraft carriers can sail under the span’s 60m (196ft) vertical clearance at high tide. The shipping channel near the Washington shore is bridged by a mix of seven truss and eight girder spans, while the long, low middle portion crossing Desdemona Sands – the shallow mid-section of the river – comprises 140 spans of prestressed concrete, each 24m (80ft) long, standing just 8m (25ft) above sea level. The bridge is 9m (28ft) wide, providing narrow shoulders for bicycles and one lane in each direction for auto traffic. Designed jointly by the state highway departments of Oregon and Washington, construction started in 1962 and was completed in 1966.
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