43 images Created 14 Feb 2011
Photos and images of the Drakensberg; the highest mountain range in Southern Africa, rising to 3,482 meters (11,424 ft), and extending over 300 kilometers (200 miles) in length, is an escarpment bordering the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho. Much of the Drakensberg is included in the Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg Park, managed by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, and inscribed as the Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg World Heritage Area by UNESCO in 2000. Known in other languages by: Afrikaans: Drakensberge, Dutch: Drakensbergen (Dragon Mountains), Sesotho: Maluti or Maloti, Zulu: Ukhahlamba (barrier of spiers) or Quathlamba.